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Spacecraft Dynamics and Control. An Introduction (Anton H. de Ruiter); John Wiley & Sons Limited

Книга: Spacecraft Dynamics and Control. An Introduction (Anton H. de Ruiter); John Wiley & Sons Limited


  • Издатель: John Wiley & Sons Limited

  • ISBN: 9781118403303

  • EAN: 9781118403303

  • Книги: Техническая литература

  • ID: 5998240

  • Добавлено: 30.04.2020


Provides the basics of spacecraft orbital dynamics plus attitude dynamics and control, using vectrix notation Spacecraft Dynamics and Control: An Introduction presents the fundamentals of classical control in the context of spacecraft attitude control. This approach is particularly beneficial for the training of students in both of the subjects of classical control as well as its application to spacecraft attitude control. By using a physical system (a spacecraft) that the reader can visualize (rather than arbitrary transfer functions), it is easier to grasp the motivation for why topics in control theory are important, as well as the theory behind them. The entire treatment of both orbital and attitude dynamics makes use of vectrix notation, which is a tool that allows the user to write down any vector equation of motion without consideration of a reference frame. This is particularly suited to the treatment of multiple reference frames. Vectrix notation also makes a very clear distinction between a physical vector and its coordinate representation in a reference frame. This is very important in spacecraft dynamics and control problems, where often multiple coordinate representations are used (in different reference frames) for the same physical vector. Provides an accessible, practical aid for teaching and self-study with a layout enabling a fundamental understanding of the subject Fills a gap in the existing literature by providing an analytical toolbox offering the reader a lasting, rigorous methodology for approaching vector mechanics, a key element vital to new graduates and practicing engineers alike Delivers an outstanding resource for aerospace engineering students, and all those involved in the technical aspects of design and engineering in the space sector Contains numerous illustrations to accompany the written text. Problems are included to apply and extend the material in each chapter Essential reading for graduate level aerospace engineering students, aerospace professionals, researchers and engineers.

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ИздательJohn Wiley & Sons Limited

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