Molecular Mechanisms of Photosynthesis (Robert E. Blankenship); John Wiley & Sons Limited
Издатель: John Wiley & Sons Limited
ISBN: 9781119800118
EAN: 9781119800118
Книги: Биология
ID: 8121457
Добавлено: 24.07.2021
Rediscover the foremost introduction to molecular photosynthesis on the market today
In the comprehensively revised Third Edition of
Molecular Mechanisms of Photosynthesis
, distinguished researcher and professor Robert E. Blankenship delivers a brand-new update to the most authoritative textbook on the subject of photosynthesis. In addition to thorough coverage of foundational topics in photosynthesis, the book discusses cutting-edge advances in research in this area, including new structures and new information about the mechanism of oxygen production.
The author also describes advancements in the understanding of the regulation of photosynthesis and the critical process of photoprotection, as well as newly discovered pigments and organisms that extend oxygenic photosynthesis deeper into the near infrared spectral region.
Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of a fulsome appendix that incorporates a detailed introduction to the physical basis of photosynthesis, including thermodynamics, kinetics, and spectroscopy. A companion website offers downloadable figures as PowerPoint slides ideal for teaching. The book also includes:
Thorough introductions to the basic principles of photosynthetic energy storage, photosynthetic organisms and organelles, and the history and early development of photosynthesis
An expansive discussion of photosynthetic pigments, including their structure and spectroscopy
Explorations of antenna complexes, energy transfer processes, reaction centers, and electron transport pathways in anoxygenic phototrophs and oxygenic photosynthetic organisms
Comprehensive treatments of chemiosmotic coupling, ATP synthesis, and carbon metabolism
Authoritative discussions of the evolution of photosynthesis and artificial photosynthesis
Perfect for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in biochemistry and biophysics,
Molecular Mechanisms of Photosynthesis
will also earn a place in the libraries of students studying plant biology and seeking a one-stop resource in the field of molecular photosynthesis.
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О книге
Параметр | Значение |
ISBN | 978-1-119-80011-8 |
Автор(ы) | Robert E. Blankenship |
Издатель | John Wiley & Sons Limited |
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